Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Albrecht Dürer was a German artist and a shining star of the Northern Renaissance. His draughtsmanship was absolutely superb. Records show that he spent huge amounts of time drawing. After that he did more drawing and in his spare time did a bit of ....... drawing. The above gives a good insight into what he did; a self portrait, a drawing of one of his hands, a piece of cloth. There were others contemporanious to this period; Martin Schongauer,Albrecht Altorfer to name but two. This was a golden age of draughtsmanship which alas is in my view, underrated. Museums and galleries seem only to want to show paintings and you really have to burrow to find the drawings. Why is this?
This piece, "The Piece of Turf" by Dürer is a finished work in its own right. The detailing is exquisite. Some two years ago the British Museum mountied and exhibition of Dürer's graphic work and I was able tosee some of this work for myself. The photos of it don't do justice to the work.

1 comment:

ming said...

that's the great lif of the photograph..it copliments bad art, and insults good art!