Sunday, October 01, 2017

Something I did a few Years Earlier

The Three Marys was an idea that came to mind while at Lemba in Cyprus back in 2008. Two influences; Hellenic Art extant in the Cyprus Museum and images of sculpture at the doorway of Chartres Cathedral. I got the idea of making a sculpture of the "Three Marys" mentioned in the Christian Gospels, reading from left to right of the picture, Mary Magdalene, Mary Mother of Christ and the "Other Mary" featured in the story of Mary and Martha.
However, the sculpture never materialised, only this drawing of the figures, a design for a sculpture drawn on a sheet of A2 cartridge.

Another drawing was done on the same format of the Three Fates of Greek mythology; the one who spins the yarn of life, the one who measures it and the one who cuts it. These three determine the life-span of each individual born. It too is the same size as the one above. The preparatory work was all done in Lemba and the finished drawings at my studio in Lancaster.

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