Wednesday, August 13, 2008

An exercise in layering. I am trying different approaches to interpreting the sea. These two strips of sea are as viewed from overhead. The one on the left is in traditional graphite while the one on the right has been made with successive layers of transparent coloured ink.

What I find fascinating is the random abstract shapes of the patches of foam. Even more interesting is meticulously copying these abstract shapes rather than simply generating my own. None of the shapes readily resemble a predetermined or recognisable object so in drawing them all preconceptions are eliminated. It makes for a good exercise in pure observation I think.

The continuous movement of the sea makes these shapes extremely transient. They change by the second and no way can an accurate drawing be done in that time. So these are made from photographs and drawn in the comfort of the studio.

Despite the foregoing, the drawn shapes do take on a life of their own as the character of these components change with the application of each successive layer.

This is "work in progress" I reckon.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I was at a week-end family get-together up in the Lakes recently. Sunday morning I got up early and went for a walk. Things come into very sharp focus at times like this and seem to say "Draw me, now."

The distant hills rising out of the mists melting in the growing sunlight and the small puddle on the byway reflecting the sky and shining like a sapphire.

Actually my mainstream art had been a bit in the doldrums of late and this walk awakened my eyes again. Now back in the studio the ideas are flooding in more than time and energy can cope with. But then that is the sort of problem I'd rather have.